Parents & Friends 

Thank you!

We would like to thank everyone who volunteered their time and helped out at our wonderful school disco on Friday 17 November. What a great event! We can't run events like this without our parent volunteers so THANK YOU! 


I'd like to especially thank Emily Mulcahy, Charlotte Scroggie, Esther Shwarzman, Renee Morphett, Azzurra Albieri, Kathryn Spencer, and Vee Tan for their "behind the scenes" work and managing the event on the night.  


A shout out to the awesome staff who also helped out on the night Josh Woollan, Jess Dijanesic, Emma McIntosh and Simone Andrews.

Mango Drive

Mango delivery week has changed! Bowen Mangoes will deliver the mangoes the week beginning 11 December. Thank you to all the families who supported our Mango drive. 

Second Hand Uniform Stall

We have only 1 left for the year. 

  • Friday 8 December
  • 8.30-9.30am and 3-4pm
  • In the Korean Room. 

P&F Events

Term 4

  • Friday 8 December - 2nd Hand Uniform Sale in the Korean Room (8.30-9.30am & 3-4pm)

2nd Hand Uniform News - Donation Bin

We are pleased to inform our school community that we now have a 2nd Hand Uniform Donation Bin, located in the Library. 


The blue bin is the best place to donate any good condition, washed and folded school uniforms and accessories. Please only donate good condition new style school bags with working zips. We unfortunately can no longer accept the old style school bags.

Can you help?

We are always looking for new fundraising ideas and would love your input! You might have some great examples of fundraising or events at other schools that you would like to share with us. Perhaps you have specialist skills and you are willing to donate your time – we are always looking for people with fundraising or events experience, people who have graphic design skills and social media specialists.


You can contact us at anytime on