Principal Message

Dear Parents and Carers, 


Colour Run

The students totally enjoyed the Colour Fun Run last Friday. The weather was perfect for the event which enhanced the enjoyment of the students. Thank you to the Fun Run team Miss Merrett, Ms King and Miss Chadwick for their brilliant organisation along with the Year 6 students who were the powder throwers. We had many parents come along to see the event which was great to see. Very colourful photos of the event can be found further in the newsletter. It was a day full of fun for the students. 


Student Free Day this Friday 17th November

The teachers will be participating in a Professional Practice Day this Friday. There will be no school for students on this day. Camp Australia will be providing care for the day if you need. 


Year 6 Surfing

The Year 6 students have really enjoyed their surfing lessons. There is certainly some very talented students amongst them. Thank you to the Year 6 teachers for their organisation and for the support during the program. 


Junior School Athletics tomorrow

The Junior School athletics day will be held tomorrow. The students are looking forward to participating in the events. Thank you to Mr Horbury of his organisation of the event. 


Year 1 Day Camp next Wednesday 23rd November

The Year 1 students are looking forward to their day camp  which will be held at school next Wednesday. Well done to the Year 1 team for their organisation. The students are looking forward to the day. 


Life Education Van

The students have enjoyed the visit from the Life Education Van. Some of the topics covered were friendships, growing good friends and friends and feelings. 


Take care. 
