Beyond the Classroom

Cheerleading -Poppy R
On the 24th of November, Poppy Reynolds will hit the mat with her Cheerleading team Tricksters from Outlaws All Stars SA at the AASCF National Championships held in Melbourne. This is her second year representing her club at the national level having been undefeated in South Australia in 2022 and winning the Nationals last year. Poppy started cheerleading 3 years ago and trains 3 times a week for approximately 9 hours and is undeniably dedicated to her sport.
SAPSASA Cricket - Jaiden W
Jaiden Wooldridge was selected to play in Cricket SAPSASA State Carnival in the boys Airport Division 1.
Winning all 3 pool games and the semi-final, the boys advanced through to the Grand Final unbeaten. They were rewarded with a fantastic opportunity to play on the Karen Rolton Oval (where the Women’s Adelaide Strikers had played the night before!).
Although disappointed that Airport was defeated by East Adelaide in the final, the boys had an amazing experience and are proud to have come in at second place.
Plank Challenge - Ryker C
Ryker Cutting a Year 5 student at LNPS undertakes many different out-of-school activities. Ryker is very humble about his sporting achievements. However, over the last few weeks has had some huge achievements and accomplishments that he was excited to share with his peers. Ryker has a passion for cross-fit sports and regularly competes in various fitness/gym-related activities. Recently Ryker competed in Power To Move Gyms annual October Plank challenge winning the longest plank held at a staggering 20 minutes. This was not just a huge physical challenge but also showed massive mental determination, to overcome the other competitors and taking out the competition with huge time and breaking all previous gym records.
Power to Move Gym also holds a fun run to raise money for various community projects. The gym put out a design competition to design their next fun run event t-shirt. Ryker created the winning design for 2023. All entrants loved wearing Ryker's design for the fun run which was held on Sunday 19 November Ryker also participated as the only young person with the adults, selecting the 3 km course and finished in the top 4 in his group. Photos of Ryker wearing his T-shirt design and with his plank challenge trophy.