School News 


Week 6 Update

It is an extremely busy time at LNPS as we near the end of another highly successful year. There is so much happening across the school at times it is hard to keep track!  If at any point you or your child/ren need support please reach out to the school. It is going to be a great finish to the year as we have a lot of exciting learning and activities ahead. 


Over the past few weeks, I have been contacted by a number of the 2017 graduating class who are finishing Year 12 this year. It is always great to hear about the success and achievement of former students. 


These young adults shared about their positive experiences at LNPS and how they shaped their journey through high school. They also shared about achievements including subject and community awards as well as their plans for the next steps in their lives.  This is great feedback and demonstrates that LNPS graduates are ready for anything in front of them. 


Sports Day/JRFH

What a highly successful day we had! The weather was perfect and everyone involved had a wonderful day. Congratulations to Brian who broke Grallina's streak and won their 1st Sports Day since 2017. 


I would like to thank the Sports Day Committee (especially Amy B and Davis S) for all their hard work. The day ran very smoothly and the new format worked very well.


Finally, thank you to all the parents who baked and donated goods and the parents who volunteered to help with the Cake Stall.   Overall the Cake Stall made $862. 2024 we are really keen to bring back the LNPS Sports Day BBQ. The BBQ is a great service for the community and an opportunity to socialise and connect with other families.  


2024 Reception Transition Visits

This next week we welcome our new 2024 Term 1 Receptions and their families for their orientation visits. 


LNPS has implemented an extensive process based on research and current practice. This includes extensive parent meetings and 3 visits for students to enable further familiarisation with all aspects of the school.


We are looking forward to welcoming all of our new families into the LNPS community in 2024.


Reports, Class Placement and Material and Services

With the transition to EMS, our process for distributing this information to families has changed slightly. All information will now be emailed to families using the following timeline:


  • Material and Services - Friday 8th December
  • End of Year Reports - Monday 11th December
  • Class Placement - Tuesday 12th December 

Reports will also be published and available in the EMS Community Portal from 12pm on Monday 11th December. If you don't have access to the EMS Community Portal please contact Vanessa at the Front Office.


URGENT - Students Leaving LNPS at the end of 2023

We urgently require families to inform us if their child will be leaving LNPS in 2024.


We are in the final stages of class placements for 2024 and fluctuating enrolment numbers have a significant impact on this process. 


Please forward any information to Vanessa Rushe - or via phone at 84435544


Finally, the final newsletter for 2023 will be published in Week 9 on Wednesday 13th December. 



Tyson and Mirjana