From the Assistant Principal 

Junior School

Kristie Satilmis










Activities Week


We really are hurtling toward the end of the 2023 school year and soon we’ll be ringing in 2024! Congratulations to all Junior School students on their outstanding participation and energy during Headstart. I’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback from students, who have appreciated the engaging and challenging lessons that teachers have prepared as well as the opportunity to work with their new classmates. Thank you to our wonderful teaching team for their commitment to providing high quality learning opportunities for our students! Tomorrow is the last day of official classes and everyone deserves a well-earned rest after a big year!

Junior School students can look forward to a fun three days ahead as we move into our end of year activities program. Each Learning Area will take turns to run a variety of very different activities where students can practice their creativity, be active and enjoy some relaxation as well. Attendance is expected and any absences should be approved by parents via Compass as normal please. Students in attendance on Thursday and Friday will participate in environmental clean up tasks with our thanks.


New staff induction and 2024 Year Level Leaders


We look forward to welcoming around 10 new staff members to our school community in 2024. These new colleagues will join us for an induction day this week where they will meet their new teaching teams, be trained in our instructional model and start preparing for their new classes. We will introduce each of our new staff in future editions of The Arrow. If you see a new face around the school, we encourage you to stop and say hello!


I’m delighted to announce our Junior School Year Level Leaders for 2024! Jacob Bevacqua will continue as Year 7 Leader where he has been doing a brilliant job for the past two years. He will be assisted next year by Badi Sheidaee, who will also look after primary school transitions. Jesse Weymouth will continue as Year 8 Leader having done a wonderful job in 2023! Leon Raymond will continue his excellent work as Year 9 Leader, assisted by Scott Munday.


In the Senior School, David Felbel will carry on in the Year 10 role, Luke Dellorso at Year 11 and Craig McPherson at Year 12. They will have an exciting year ahead as our Senior School moves into our lovely new building!

I would like to thank the Year Level Leaders and Wellbeing Team for their outstanding work this year, often going above and beyond to ensure each and every one of our students receives the tailored support they need at school.


2024 planning days


This week, our 2024 Year Level Leaders and Learning Area Leaders met for their team planning days. They reflected on the outstanding achievements of 2023 and how they plan to continue this work as part of our new School Strategic Plan. Thank you to each of these staff for the guidance, support and expertise they bring to their respective teams and the positive impact this work has on student wellbeing and academic outcomes.

Arts: Sarah McCrum

Science: Richard Hanlon

English: Brock  McDonald

HPE: Letesha Ruberto

Maths: Gary Wu

Languages: Sonia Boyer

FBN: Genevieve Papon


Happy holidays!


My thanks also to all our wonderful parent volunteers who have contributed to our school in so many different ways this year. Everything from assisting with excursions and sporting events to organising sausage sizzles, to repairing the Drama Room curtains! We are so grateful for the generous support of our parent community.


I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer break with family and friends!