From the Principal

Ross Pritchard









December is upon us all. Christmas decorations are appearing, holiday plans are taking shape, celebrations and family gatherings are being planned. The prospect of an Aussie summer with warm weather, beach, sport, concerts, and relaxation is tantalisingly close. As I am writing this I am thinking of the sounds and smells of summer, and I am sure you have your own.


This week we have been celebrating student achievements and sense of community through our DARE assemblies. Each year level gathers to reflect on events, actions, behaviours, and outcomes that have been experienced. Led by student leaders, these events are a good example of the outstanding school program your children have access to. Students are awarded diversity, aspiration, respect, and excellence awards as recognition of positive contributions to our school community. Each year level has received over one thousand ‘green posts’ on Compass, where teachers acknowledge value-based behaviours or acts of kindness. Each assembly creates such a positive attitude. As well as the awards, Year Level Leaders have a chance to thank the students and comment on their highlights for the year. A common thread is the amount of maturation, growth and responsibility which occurs in a school year. I thank the Year Level Leaders for all their guidance and support. They act as a key liaison between teachers, students, and parents. They balance the complex combination of welfare, compassion, and discipline. Auburn High School is fortunate to have quality people in these roles.


Next Monday our 2023 Year 12 students receive their results. Year 11 students who have completed a Year 12 subject also will receive a study score for the subjects completed this year. It can be a nervous wait for students, and the school is excited to provide a morning tea on Monday 11th December to welcome students back on campus to debrief and connect. The release of ATARs and study scores is also a nervous time for teachers who invest so much into the performance of their students. Teachers will be provided with data that will be used to guide their planning for 2024. We wish all the students the best, and there will be plenty of support available as they confirm any post-secondary education or workforce opportunities.


Staff training, induction and leadership development are all a focus at this time of the year. This week three days are allocated to focusing groups of leaders and new staff on the goals and strategies for next year. Our Engagement Team meets to plan the creation of Year Level communities and how to provide opportunities for students to flourish in their learning, social development and also whole school experiences. The Curriculum Leadership Team meets to focus on teaching and learning strategies, and faculty processes and protocols that meet the high expectations we have for each student and staff member. Finally, this week we are welcoming many new staff to Auburn High School. Our enrolments have increased by over 100 this year and we are expecting more than 800 students in 2024. This facilitates a recruitment process that brings in fresh faces to our teaching team, and additions to our support staff. This is an exciting phase of the school’s growth and our induction and mentoring program ensures that the Auburn way is reinforced and continued.


To conclude I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe December. There is always much to do and organise for the festive season and holidays.


Best wishes,


Ross Pritchard
