Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News

Armidale Catholic Schools - Aboriginal Education Committee - Expression of Interest

Armidale Catholic Schools - Aboriginal Education Committee 


Due to a number of current committee members serving the maximum of three years Armidale Catholic Schools - Aboriginal Education Committee are calling for expressions of interest (EOI) to fill vacant positions within the committee. 

The committee meets once a term to discuss and decide on policies, procedures, and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to enhance their education and promote cultural awareness within our system of schools for a hope-filled future. 


Aboriginal Education Committee positions

Subject Matter Expert: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education K-12  - Karen Tighe 

School Performance Leader (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Team) - Justin Matthews.

Administration - Judi Wark

Priest - Father Damian Locke 

Elders - Aunty Fay Green, Terry Hynch, John Brown - All to continue as Elders 

Primary Principal - Alistair Stewart, Donna Fiechtner

Central Principal - Open

Central AP - Cath Downes 

Secondary Principal - Open

Primary Focus teacher - Open

Central Focus teacher - Open

Secondary Focus teacher - Sam Kennedy,

Primary AEA - Open

Central AEA - Open

Secondary AEA - Open 

If you are interested in being a representative on the Committee, please submit an expression of interest form outlining your skills, aspirations, and vision of Aboriginal education in our Diocese and Cultural knowledge. 


Principals EOI form closes - Friday, 17 May 2024 

Focus teacher and AEAs  EOI form closes Friday, 31 May 2024.

Warraymaylaya yr 10- 12 Cultural and Career Pathways Retreat 

Information regarding bus times and agenda for the Warraymaymaylay Year 10 -12 Cultural and Career Pathway Retreat at the Collaroy Centre from Monday 6th May - Friday 10th May 2024 has been forward to allocated school staff attending the Retreat. Please check with your school Aboriginal Education Team staff. 

CSNSW Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Conference Message Stick Journey

The Message Stick Journey has completed its Term 1 school community visits to Walgett, Mungindi, Moree, and Wee Waa. 


Next term it will continue to travel around our Diocese towards the Conference in October and share the message of “Spirit On Country: Learning Together, then, now & always” . 


Some special Message Stick moments St Joseph’s Wee Waa community. 

Wii Gaay Mentoring Zoom session 

The Wii Gaay mentoring sessions will commence this term. All Wii Gaay students and allocated staff please check emails for zoom invites to meet our amazing mentors.  

2024 Significant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Dates and resources