Message from the


Dear Colleagues,


Welcome back to Term 2. I hope you had time over the break to rest and are excited about another term of learning. During this term we will celebrate Catholic Schools Week focusing on our theme: Pray with Hope.


This week, we welcome Dr Lyn Sharratt back to our diocese to continue our Clarity learning for school improvement focusing in particular on the assessment waterfall chart. On Monday and Tuesday we were hosted by St Xavier’s Gunnedah, and tomorrow and Thursday the professional learning will continue at St Mary’s Armidale. Over the two centres, we will have approximately 250 staff participate and learn together.


In Armidale Catholic Schools, our Non-Negotiables embed the waterfall chart into our learning and teaching with Parameters 1 and 14 underpinning the work. These two ‘book end’ parameters are:


Parameter 1 - Shared Beliefs and Understanding

a. All students can achieve high standards given the right time and the right support.

b. All teachers can teach to high standards given time and the right assistance.

c. High expectations and early and ongoing intervention are essential.

d. All leaders, teachers, staff and students can articulate what they do and why they lead, 

       teach, and learn the way they do..


Parameter 14 - Shared Responsibility and Accountability

Everyone is responsible and accountable for every learner within and across schools.

Everyone sees themselves as responsible for achieving the goals and accountable for the learning that results from their implementation.

Intentional procedures and processes encourage system and school-wide shared responsibility and ownership for student learning.


It is vital that we revisit these parameters often and reflect on our own practices and beliefs. 

  • Do I believe that given the right support, every young person can learn to high standards?
  • Can I articulate what I do and why I do it?
  • Do I care about all of the learners in our school and our system, not just those in ‘my’ class?

Through collaboration to embed the Non-Negotiables, we can support our young people to realise a hope-filled future. 


When we look for the evidence of impact of our work, we can look at a range of data sets: qualitative and quantitative, internal and external. On Monday, the preliminary NAPLAN results were released. This data makes visible the strength of our diocese and the learning that is occurring. Congratulations to everyone for your hard work in ensuring that our goal of ‘Literate, numerate students for a hope-filled future’ is being realised. 


Congratulations - Recognition of Service

In the last two weeks of Term 1, Recognition of Service awards were presented at St Mary of the Angels, Guyra; St Mary’s College, Gunnedah; St Nicholas’, Tamworth; Armidale Catholic Schools Office; St Edward’s, Tamworth; and St Mary’s, Armidale. Congratulations to all our award recipients! 

Regina Menz

Director of Schools