Faith Education

Mr Ru Lameijn - Deputy Principal & Religious Education Leader

Dear Families

As we reflect on the eve of ANZAC day, we stand still by the sacrifice so many women and men have made, so we can live our lives in peace. Many of you will know people, possibly you yourself, who have been through the trials of war and we know how this changes some people for life. Tomorrow, we thank them, the soldiers, doctors, nurses and so many others, who fought so we may be free to live in this wonderful country. 


I hope that tomorrow we can also reflect on our own lives, embrace the diversity and freedom in our wonderful city of Melbourne as we commemorate the lives of so many who have gone before us to make this possible. 


Our students participated in the ANZAC ceremony today, they were very respectful, quite and reverent. We were extremely impressed, well done everyone. 

A reading from the Gospel according to John. 

Jesus said to his disciples: “Just as my Father has loved me so I have loved you.  Make sure that I keep on loving you.  If you obey me I will keep on loving you, just as I have obeyed my father and He keeps on loving me.  My command to you is this: love one another, just as I love you. The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them.  You are my friends if you do what I command you to do.” 

Dear God

God of Help, 

God of Love, 

And God of Peace, 

in this season of Easter we rejoice in the New Life your Son the Risen Jesus gives us. 

You offer us hope. 

You offer us peace. 

We thank you for these treasured lands of ours, New Zealand and Australia. 

Today, as we remember the ANZAC soldiers who fought to protect our countries.  

Help us to strive for peace in all we do.  

We make our prayer in the name of the Risen Jesus.   




Kinds Regards, 


Ru Lameijn (

Deputy Principal - Religious Education Leader