Career & Pathway

Within the Career & Pathway space, the aim is to build the students' knowledge in career management, employability skills, resume & cover letter creating, knowing what a School Based Apprenticeship Traineeship (SBAT) or Vocational Education Training is and options for post-secondary education - TAFE, University or employment.
Program Overview - VETDSS Salon Assistant
Borinya deliver the Certificate II in Salon Assistant and the trainer is Anita Hamilton; students in Year 10,11 &12 from Borinya, Galen and Marian (Myrtleford) are enrolled. This program is on every Wednesday during the school year; to gain this qualification student need to be deemed compentent in 13 units of competency over a two year duration.
This is a pre apprenticeship qualification and provides foundation knowledge used in hairdressing salons; includes basin serivces, dry hair to shape, braiding, communication, OH&S, merchandising and maintaining of tools & equipment.
A few words from out trainer - ANITA
We have had a wonderful first semester in our VET hairdressing class. All the students have hit the ground running. Learning all things basin, blowaves and braiding! Our classroom/workspace is always a happy place to be and all of the students have settled in beautifully. It also warms my heart to see the encouragement they give each other.
We finished off our term with a fantastic excursion to a local salon supplier ‘Finishing Touch’ as part of our visual merchandising unit. We are so grateful to Amanda and Allan for giving their time to us. It was amazing to see how beautifully presented and appealing the salon stock was displayed. We learnt so much about the retail side of hairdressing and we were able to see first hand what it’s like to arrange, display and maintain merchandise.
Looking forward to another great semester after the break.
Career & Pathway Referral Form - Students can make contact with Borinya' Career & Pathway person - Leanne, by either seeing their teacher/SEL or by completing a google form - Simon > School Links > Student Links > Career & Pathway Referral Form
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