Community News

Breakfast Club - students are invited to have breakfast at Borinya, this is available every day of the week from 8.30 - 8.55am.
Connecting Cuppa - Community afternoon tea every third Tuesday of the month between 2pm - 3pm at Borinya's Trade Traingin Centre building, this is a community connection through Open Neighbourhood. In partnership we are running a carer’s café with the purpose to connect carers and provide them with information regarding support and assistance available. It also gives our VPC students valuable experience in providing refreshments and participating in conversations.
Mittagundi - On April 26th, Lucas Ryder, Dylan Graham and George Fisher set off to Mittagundi. Set in the remote Glen Valley in East Gippsland, Mittagundi has been operating as a farm & outdoor education setting for over 40 years. The main program runs over 10 days. Getting to the camp is by walking and camping over the Bogong High plains for 2 days. This camp only had 12 boys from various schools (mostly Melbourne). With no electricity or mobile reception, all modern conveniences are put aside to embrace a lifestyle that our forebears would have experienced. The log cabin accommodation, the kitchen /and dining room and all buildings at the farm have all been built by participants over the years. Along with collecting, chopping, & stacking wood, tending the veggie garden, milking the cows and keeping the ovens lit, activities such as white-water rafting, abseiling and engaging in real time talking to others and developing connections. Life takes on a different pace without fast food, immediate media, & screen time, and teaches participants that life can go on (and flourish) without the modern tools and distractions. A fabulous time was had by the boys who grew in their individual capacity to challenge themselves and be resilient.
ANZAC Day - Student Leader Dylan Graham represented Borinya at the Wangaratta Cenotaph ANZAC Day ceremony laying a wreath. Dylan wore family service medals.
Thank you Dylan