Principal's Reflection

Eamonn Buckley

Catholic Identity

At Borinya we have been successful in embedding our daily acknowledgment and reflection focussed on the Borinya WALK. Through explicitly discussing and presenting various…on being Courageous, Resilient, Inclusive and Curious we aim to ensure the Borinya WALK is visible through action and lived through application. 

Further to this, we continue to grow our Thursday liturgy. This growth now sees many of our young people actively participating in the liturgy as readers and 


Learning Community

We continue to focus on explicit instruction for both Literacy and Numeracy. Our literacy program has seen Students complete a scaffolded writing task linked to the Beechworth excursion which took place in week 3 of this term. The nature of this activity required students to construct a story which incorporated historical events with fictional characters related to either bushrangers, gold miners or convicts. Pleasingly, we have had several students wanting to use their free time to either complete their stories or have staff read the completed piece of writing. This demonstrates our young people are continuing to take pride in their learning.

Results from PAT R and BURT Reading show some of our young people continue to demonstrate growth with aspects of their literacy skills.  The same can be said for Numeracy across the school also. This can be seen via our Essential Assessment and PAT data with students remaining at their achieved 2023 level or making some medium gains to the midpoint of the 2024 school year. 



Our student leaders developed a student survey re-Masterplanning. This provided an opportunity for student voice to be collected and shared with architects Bickerton Masters. 


During a recent meeting with our Senior VPC students they presented ideas about potential VPC uniform items and the current VPC learning space. I was most impressed by the thoughtful way students presented their ideas and the maturity they displayed in the discussion which followed. 




Borinya has employed architect firm Bickerton Masters to develop our 2024-2023 Master Plan. So far this has seen Bickerton Masters work with our Leadership Team and Staff on the potential and challenges of the Borinya site. 


In the coming weeks we will receive the Summary of Actions outlining for the next 10 years along with initial options for site development. This will be followed by a CESL Stakeholder meeting to collate feedback from Staff and Students. 

Late June should see refined options presented based on feedback received with the final Master Plan Presentation delivered in late July.