Primary News

(Year 3 to Year 6)

Year 6 Camp

Next week, the students from Year 6 and some (very brave) teachers will embark on this year’s Year 6 Camp to Woodman Point. Camps are a very exciting part of the curriculum in Year 6 and presents the students with opportunities to develop themselves and their relationships with their peers. By offering safe opportunities to push themselves outside of their comfort zones be that through the flying fox, archery or even just staying away from home for a few nights, camp is a fantastic opportunity for challenge and personal development.


On top of this, students are given the opportunity to strengthen current friendships as well as develop new ones by working as a team and co-operating with others.


School camp isn't just a getaway—it's an invaluable experience that goes beyond the classroom.


School camps aim to develop:

  • Bonding and Friendship: School camp provides a unique opportunity for children to bond with their peers outside the usual school environment. From sharing stories around the campfire to conquering challenges together, friendships are forged that can last a lifetime.
  • Personal Growth: Camp activities often push children out of their comfort zones, encouraging them to take risks, develop resilience, and build self-confidence. Whether it's conquering a high ropes course or navigating a hiking trail, each challenge overcome is a step towards personal growth.
  • Life Skills: From teamwork and leadership to problem-solving and communication, school camp provides a platform for children to develop essential life skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Camp is an exciting opportunity for our students and we are always so happy to offer students the opportunities that camp offers. We are all looking forward to camp this year.