School Notices

School Photos

School photos will be held on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 May. Information in relation to ordering photos have been sent home with students & sibling photo envelopes can be collected from the office and can not be ordered online.

Every student will have their photo taken on the day whether they have ordered photos or not.  Sibling photo envelopes are to be handed to the photographer on the day which will be held on both Tuesday and Wednesday from 7:30am in the Undercover Area. 


Orders are to be placed online for all photos except sibling photos and orders are open until Wednesday 15 May. 


Please see below for the schedule for the photos days.


Mother's Day Breakfast and Liturgy

We would like to invite you to our whole school Mother’s Day Breakfast on Friday 10th May from 7:30am onwards, followed by our Mother’s Day Liturgy at 8:30am. The breakfast will be held in front of the Year 2 classrooms and the Liturgy will be held in the Undercover Area.


This year we ask that you please bring your own reusable cup/mug. We will not have any disposable cups available and thank you for your assistance in helping us reduce our impact on the environment.


Please complete this form by Monday 6 May so we can confirm the numbers for breakfast.

WA Student Assistance Payment

As of 15 April 2024 you can claim your WA Student Assistance Payment. All parents will have access to their child/ren's WA Student Number via SEQTA and instructions have been communicated for all our Pre-Primary and Kindergarten students on how to set up their SEQTA account.

Kindy 2025 Enrolments

If your child is born between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021 they can start Kindy in 2025. We have commenced our placement interviews so please contact Admin on or 9297 7500 to receive an application pack.

Australian Early Development Census

Building a national picture of child health.


From May 2024, our school, along with thousands of others across the country, will participate in the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC). 


The AEDC is a teacher-completed census (similar to a questionnaire) which provides a comprehensive picture of how children have developed by the time they start their first year of full-time school.


The AEDC is an Australian Government Initiative and is completed nationally every three years. 


Children don’t miss any class time while the AEDC is completed, and parents/carers don’t need to supply schools with any new information. 


The data collected through the AEDC is used by schools, communities and governments to better understand children and families’ needs, and identify the services, resources and support they need.


AEDC data is reported at a school, community, state/territory and national level. AEDC results for individual children are not reported and the AEDC is not used as an individual diagnostic tool.


Some teachers have found that completing the AEDC made them more aware of the needs of individual children and their class, and that the data was useful for planning for transitions to Year 1 and developing programs.


Participation in the AEDC is voluntary, however the AEDC relies on all schools with children in their first year of full-time school participating in the collection. Parents/carers don’t need to take any action unless they choose not to include their children in the census.


To find out more about the AEDC and how it is being used to help children and families visit:

Upcoming Events

To keep up to date with school events please refer to the school calendar. This is in a new location on our school website to make it more accessible and can be located here.