Religious Education & Faith Life



Throughout your child’s time at St Helena’s Catholic Primary School, they will learn about the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church. A Catholic sacrament is a special and sacred moment where God's grace is given to us in a tangible way through prayers, rituals, and symbols. It's like a special gift from God that helps us grow closer to Him and strengthens our faith. Each sacrament, like Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation, marks an important step in our spiritual journey and helps us live our lives as followers of Jesus Christ.


There are three Sacraments that we prepare the students for at St Helena’s. Working closely with the parish, students learn about and prepare for the receiving of the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. The program we run assists in developing the understanding of the Sacraments but also gives students time to reflect and pray about this important step in their faith life.



Reconciliation, also known as Confession, is an important Sacrament in the Catholic faith that offers children the opportunity to seek forgiveness and focuses on rebuilding relationship with people and God when we do wrong. Typically, children receive their First Reconciliation in Year 3, as they become more aware of right and wrong. This sacrament teaches them the importance of acknowledging their mistakes, seeking forgiveness, and striving for spiritual growth. As parents, you play a crucial role in guiding your children through this sacrament, helping them understand the value of repentance and the grace of God's mercy.



The Sacrament of the Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is a significant milestone in a child's faith journey within the Catholic Church. Usually received around Year 4, the Eucharist represents the central belief in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated bread and wine. Through this Sacrament, children deepen their connection to the Church community and strengthen their relationship with Christ. As parents, you can support your children by fostering a reverence for the Eucharist, helping them understand its significance, and encouraging active participation in Mass and prayer.



Confirmation is a Sacrament of initiation in the Catholic Church, typically received by children around Year 6. Through Confirmation, children affirm their baptismal vows and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen their faith and empower them to live as committed Christians. This Sacrament marks a significant step in their journey toward adulthood within the Church community. As parents, you play a vital role in preparing your children for Confirmation by nurturing their faith, encouraging spiritual growth, and guiding them in understanding the responsibilities of living out their faith in the world.


Sacraments are crucial in the life of a Catholic because they are powerful channels of God's grace and love. They mark significant moments in our journey of faith, bringing us closer to God and strengthening our relationship with Him. For parents, sacraments offer profound opportunities to nurture your child's spiritual growth and provide them with the grace and support they need to navigate life's challenges. Sacraments not only celebrate important milestones in our faith but also serve as pillars of support and guidance.