From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Caregivers


Welcome back to Term Two! Term Two promises to be a busy term, full of exciting events and lots and lots of learning! 


Today our Year Three to Six students joined Ellenbrook Independent Primary School, and other schools in our local area to commemorate ANZAC Day. This event is a fantastic opportunity for our local community to come together. Our choir did an amazing job joining Ellenbrook Independent Primary School's choir to lead the singing, and Katie read the Prayer of Remembrance. Special acknowledgement goes to Stuart and Rita who wrote and read speeches on what ANZAC Day means to them. Well done Rita and Stuart! 


Thank you to our P&F who were busy running the second hand uniform sale on Friday and Monday. This sustainable event ensures families have the opportunity to purchase second hand uniforms at a low price, and prevents the uniforms from going into landfill. Information regarding opportunities to donate uniforms to be sold at the next sale will be shared by the P&F later in the year. 



Our Garden Club have been hard at work preparing the garden for a new season of growing. The Garden Club is open every day at lunchtime for students in Year 1-6 to visit and learn more about our environment. Recently they have been busy planting native plants around our school and Mrs Emma White does an amazing job at educating students on the best ways to care for our soil, as well as how reusing, reducing and recycling helps our planet. Thanks Mrs White for all you do! 


Enrolment Interviews for Kindergarten in 2025 are continuing to take place. Families with siblings born between July 2020 and June 2021 seeking a place in our Kindergarten next year at St Helena's are asked to ensure that you have sent in your enrolment applications to Administration.


Our Year 6 students are excitedly (and nervously!) looking forward to their Year 6 Camp next week. Thanks to Joanna Bukara, Jessica Healy, Lewis Diep, Nicole Pidala and Luke Vine who will be attending camp with the students. Without staff who are prepared to give up three days of their time (and their sleep!) camps are unable to happen -  thank you! Our social worker, Elise Johnson, Santino Giancono and myself will be attending at different occasions as well. 


Our dedicated Swimming Team have been busy training on Wednesday mornings in preparation for the 2024 B Division Interschool Swimming Carnival. The carnival will be held next Friday at HBF Stadium. Thank you to Mr Clarke and Mrs De Carvalho who have been training the students, and to the wonderful parents who brought their children to the (very) early morning training sessions. We know our swimmers will represent St Helena's with pride! 


Friday is a pupil free day as our staff gather for Day One of training in the Berry Street Education Model. The Berry Street Education Model provides teachers and school staff the knowledge to support students’ self-regulation, relationships and wellbeing to increase student engagement and significantly improve academic achievement. The training is four days over two years and we can't wait to see the impact it makes in the lives of our St Helena's children.  More information about the Berry Street Education Model is available here


At St Helena's, we are a Christ-centred and a child-focused community, 

always striving to do Something Beautiful for God.


Have a wonderful week!


Melissa Myles

Acting Principal



Click here for a brief history or St Helena's Catholic Primary School, providing a Catholic Education in Ellenbrook since 1999.