Star Students 

Well done everyone on your amazing efforts! 

Lexi W                3/4EFor making a great start to her new school and always displaying respect and kindness to others.
Jaylen Y3/4EFor always working hard and giving everything a go with a smile.
Will3/4FFor his positive attitude towards all his learning.
Hunter K3/4FFor persistence when completing Blitz Masters.
Hunter T3/4FFor his confidence in contributing to class discussions/
Jude B1/2CFor a great start to term 2.
Zarlie Y1/2C For brightening our classroom with her smiley, Happy Face.
Zoe F1/2CFor working hard in class.
Asher T00BFor impressive progress with his reading and writing.
Molly K5/6GFor amazing ideas in persuasive writing.
Indi C5/6GFor excellent effort in maths.
Louis W2DFor his creative ideas when creating our class book, The very Cranky Bear!
Conrad R1/2CFor having a go during writing sessions.
Braxten C1/2CFor his excellent contributions during guided reading sessions.
Patrick C1/2CFor working hard in class.
Luna A5/6HFor your creativity during our IS lesson.
Skye C5/6HFor the amazing effort you put in when making our food trucks.
Charlee M00AFor her love of learning and always trying her best.
Alexi B00AFor being good friend.
Blake 00AFor always trying his best.
Lewis S00BFor his interest in Learning and Participation.
Aysha M00BFor her excellent listening skills and contributions to discussions.
Kruze Y3/4FGiving everything an enthusiastic go in Maths.