
It was great to see everyone this week after having a few weeks off on holiday. I was touring Scotland, and having never been to the UK before, found it so incredible just how the countries of the UK have maintained and treasure both their history and national identity. Even the castles that were in ruins were looked after beautifully. I even managed to find a Mr. Men and Little Miss book based in Scotland, so that will be landing in the library soon as a new book for the students to borrow.
While I was away, I must acknowledge my appreciation that without the help of the teachers, and, especially Bron, Catherine and Sue Wilson for keeping an eye on things; meant I didn’t come back to a library in a shambles. Thank you everyone!!
Book Club orders have arrived this week and will be distributed today to students. Thank you for supporting Book Club as it does very much help with the buying of new books and resources for the school.
Susan Machell