Mumumbara Awards

Mumumbara translates to Bee in Dja Dja Wurrung Language

Mumumbara Award Announcement

Over the last fortnight we are so proud and excited to announce more recipients of the Mumumbara Bronze Award. Students who receive these awards have earned milestone bee tokens in 25 tokens (bronze), 50 tokens (silver) and 100 tokens (gold). Students are recognised for living our school values and consistently following the school behaviour expectations.


Well done to the following students

Mumumbara Bronze Award: 
PCLCorey, Emma, Jack, Maya, Edie, Fleur
PBSCharlotte, Varvara, Sebastian, Hugo, Ed, Paddy
1/2SKyla, Isla, Dottie, Maggie, Maisie, Nate
3ADArchie, Ari, Edmund, Evie, Zaine, Millie, Ever, Jake
3SQNoah, Lexi, Madison, Dante, Heidi
5/6CGrace, Tilly, Immy, Lucinda