Student Awards & Achievements

Value of the Week

Assembly 08.05.2024

ClassStudent Detail
PBSEdFor always presenting his ‘show and tell’ in a confident and informative manner. 
PBSJackFor showing an eagerness to learn and consistently contributing to class discussions.
PBSGeorgeFor using a variety of strategies to read unknown words and showing enthusiasm when achieving his reading goals. 
PCLEdieFor her excellent work during Maths when making models of teen numbers and explaining her thinking.
1/2AXabierFor being ‘A Learner’ for the wonderful effort you have been putting into your explanation writing
1/2SDomFor showing all the school values this week. You’ve been on the mat ready to go and have been working hard all week. Top effort! 
1/2THarrisonFor being brave and trying new things at the Water Safety excursion
1/2TEvaFor working hard on her writing goals.
3ADArchieFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be Respectful’ by listening to all teachers and making everyone feel welcome. You’re a STAR Archie!
3SQHarryFor consistently demonstrating our school value of 'Be Responsible'. You're a superstar, Harry!
4AIArchieFor being a respectful learner by listening carefully to others, and sharing his ideas clearly to show his thinking. You are a super role model Archie!
4LSFrankieFor demonstrating our school value ‘be a learner’ by always having a positive attitude and growth mindset. Excellent Frankie!

Artists of the Week - 08.05.2024


This week we have Prep students displaying their artwork.  The students made a collage picture of a house.  They used paper and popsticks to make the house and added a drawn background.  Great work Preps.

Our Star Artists are: George, Audrey, Lily, Hugo, Emma, Jack, Maya, Nate, Ellis, Dorothy, George and Diamh.

Assembly 15.05.2024

ClassStudent Detail
PBSLottieFor always attempting to add ‘wow’ words to her writing and using her letters and sounds knowledge to write complex words. 
PCLFleurFor trying really hard to record the sounds she can hear in words when writing. Keep it up!
PLCRemyFor your excellent effort recording teen numbers and then putting them in order. Well done Remy!
1/2ASadieFor your positive attitude towards your learning, seeking help when needed and attempting new tasks even when unsure. 
1/2BDaltonBeing a learner by writing an explanation about how a parachute works that included adverbs. Terrific effort!
1/2SNedFor settling so well into your new school. Your happy attitude has been a great addition to our classroom. 
1/2TKaiFor concentrating really hard on his work, working independently and producing his best work.
3ADAlbertFor demonstrating our school value ‘Be Safe’ by following listening and following instructions the first time, especially during swimming this week. You ROCK Albert!
3SQDanteFor always being an excellent role model to his peers. You are always ready to learn and give 100%. What a star you are, Dante!
4AIAudreyFor being a responsible learner by working through challenging maths tasks and seeking support to help build her understanding when needed. Great work Audrey.
4SMEmmaFor demonstrating our school value 'Be a Learner' by working through some subtraction problem solving tasks positively and efficiently with confidence. Well done Emma, keep up the great work!

Class of the Week - 15.05.2024

French5/6E for their enthusiastic and motivated attitude towards learning about a francophone country.

Artists of the Week - 15.05.2024

Last week we announced that the Year 4’s were our Artists of the Week, but we didn’t see their artwork.   Today they are showing us their “Owl’ drawings.

Our Star Artists are: Charlotte, Oliver, Brodie, Mabel, Eleanor, Momo, Sam, Rory, Holly, Patrick, Jasper & Annika.