Wellbeing Team

Ms Mitchell & Ms Caruso



A good night’s sleep is about getting to sleep, staying asleep and getting enough good-quality sleep. Here are ideas that can help your child get the sleep they need.


Bedtime Routine

A bedtime routine is very important at this age. It helps your child wind down from the day.


For example, a child who normally goes to bed at 7.30 might have a bedtime routine that looks like this:

  • 6.45 pm: put on pyjamas, brush teeth, go to the toilet
  • 7.15 pm: quiet time in the bedroom with a book and a bedtime story or quiet chat
  • 7.30 pm: goodnight and lights out

Relaxing Before Bed

After a big day at school, your child might still be thinking about the day’s events and worries. If your child’s mind is still busy at bedtime, it can cause a restless night or bad dreams. You can help your child relax for sleep and sleep better by making time for calm, quiet activities in your child’s bedtime routine. For example, you could play gentle music, read a story together or encourage your child to have a bath before bed.


Good Daytime and Night-time Habits for Better Sleep

These habits might help your child sleep better:

  • Keep regular sleep and wake times, even on the weekend
  • Turn computers, tablets and TV off an hour before bedtime
  • Have a quiet and dimly lit place to sleep
  • Get plenty of natural light during the day, especially in the morning
  •  Avoid caffeine in tea, coffee, sports drinks and chocolate, especially in the late afternoon and evening

For more helpful information you can visit: https://raisingchildren.net.au 


Ms Mitchell and Ms Caruso