
Ms Kirk, Ms Nguyen & Ms Kini 

In Chemical Sciences, this term:


The Foundation students have been making observations on objects all around them. Students have so far made observations based on their colour and texture. We made oobleck to explore texture and the walking water experiment to see the mixing of primary colours to form secondary colours. Students will continue to explore different aspects of an object like size, flexibility etc. in the upcoming lessons.





Year 1

The Year 1 students have been exploring examples of natural material. We have been exploring natural materials like wood, metal, natural fabric etc. and the different objects that are made out of it. In the upcoming sessions we will be learning about artificial materials like plastic, glass etc. and objects made out of them. 




Year 2

The Year 2 students have been learning to identify materials and which of them can be recycled. We have been understanding how rubbish is sorted and only materials such as paper, glass, hard plastic etc. can be recycled. In the upcoming lessons we will learn what objects these recyclable materials turn into when sent to the recycling plant


Year 3

The Year 3 students have been learning about solids and liquids. They have been learning about some properties that are unique to particular states of matter. Students have been identifying examples of solids and liquids around them sharing their prior knowledge and discovering new learning. We will be learning about how heat and cold plays an important part in changing states of matter.



Year 4

The Year 4 students have been exploring natural materials. Using prediction, prior knowledge and suggestions, students are understanding the properties of various natural materials like wood and metal. This is helping them to identify the suitability of materials for a particular purpose. In the next sessions, students will be learning about artificial materials like glass and plastic and their properties and uses. 



Year 5

The Year 5 students have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. They have been exploring properties that are unique to particular states of matter. Students have been identifying examples of solids, liquids and gases and sharing their prior knowledge, discovering new learning and ideas. In the  upcoming sessions, students will investigate these properties through experiments and apply their knowledge into practice.


Year 6

The Year 6 students have been identifying state changes such as condensation, sublimation, melting, freezing, vaporisation and deposition. We have also explored reversible state changes and where these occur naturally. In the upcoming lessons, we will explore irreversible changes and instances of their occurrence in nature.