
Be part of the change ...

Drawing/Painting Competition

To help celebrate the importance of rainforests to our planet, we are running a drawing/painting competition!

You can draw any part of a rainforest, specific plants, endangered species or just animals and plants that live in a rain forest.

Rainforests are important for a healthy planet and human survival.  Lets celebrate these important biomes. 

How to enter:

  1. Draw or paint any part of a rainforest.
  2. Make sure your work is clearly labelled with your name and class. 
  3. Please give your entry to your teacher or directly to Ms Patel by Monday June 3rd. Late entries will not be accepted.

2Ts Wrapper Free

Please don’t forget that Tuesdays and Thursdays are now wrapper free lunchbox days!   Please try and only use reuseable containers in your child’s lunchbox on these days.

Less wrappers/packaging in lunchboxes = less mess in our school yard and a cleaner environment!

Thank you for your efforts!

Yogi Patel