Health & P.E.

Year 6 Summer Inter-School Sport

During Term 1 Year 6 students participated in five different sports against schools in our new Monash Heights District. The sports played were Rounders, Hot Shots Tennis, Volleyball, Cricket and Softball. Opposition schools were Wheelers Hill, Jells Park, Burwood East, Mt Scopus and Mount Waverley. It was great to see everyone’s specific sports skills develop and realise the importance of teamwork.

Special congratulations to the girls’ Volleyball team plus the girls’ and boys’ Hot Shots Tennis teams who finished in the top two places in the District which means they qualify for the Monash Waverley Division events in Term 4. We wish them good luck! 

Thank you to the teachers for coaching the students and the parent volunteers who travelled on the bus and assisted with team supervision:  Kat Pryde, Michelle Pariat, Kim Doan, Christine Huynh and Patrick O’Reilly.  

International Gymnastics

I was invited to an international Acrobatic gymnastics’ competition in Las Vegas. My partner Chloe and I have been training and preparing for the competition. This is our first international competition. We must complete two different routines which involve different skills.

On the day of the first competition, I woke up and jumped out of bed in excitement. After a few hours, Chloe came to my room to do my hair into a bun. Then I changed into my leotard. We went downstairs to meet with our friend to do our makeup. 

When it was almost our turn, I was so nervous. In a flash I was walking off the stage as we just finished our first routine. Every competition always feels fast. We came 7th for this category. But there was still one more routine to go in two days!

After two days past, my partner and I did the same process. But this time we did a "dynamic" routine which included different skills and dance. The last time we did "balance".

Once I got off the floor, I was so relieved that it was the end of the competition. I was so proud to be there even though we missed out being in the finals. I was still happy because it was a very tough competition as most of the competitors had a lot more experience in the international arena.  

Eva P

State Table Tennis Championships

I have been playing table tennis professionally for the last two years, and last week I was selected to join the Victorian Table Tennis State team. This selection reflected my dedication and consistent improvement, and I will play in the national event representing Victoria.

I train for at least 12 hours a week, between technical table tennis and fitness. Last year, I participated in all the Victorian tournaments and attended the Australian Table Tennis Hopes Week, a developmental initiative designed to identify and nurture young table tennis talents in Australia.

I am working on my next step to join the national team two years from now.   

Lara A

Diving State Championships

I competed in the SSV (School Sport Victoria) for diving and represented Essex Heights. I woke up at 6:00 am because I had to arrive at MSAC in St Kilda at 8:00 am. I was very nervous about the competition because I wanted to make it to the finals, also known as state. However, only the top 8 people in the region got the chance to compete in the finals and the top 3 got medals. We had a warm-up right before the competition, and I tried my best to perfect my dives. 

Finally, the competition started, I was in the first event and 4th in line to do my dives. I did my best on all my dives and was very happy with myself. The announcer then announced the top 3 people who received a medal and would move on to finals and the remaining 5 people who didn't receive a medal but still go to state. I was delighted when I found out that I had come first place out of 20 divers! 

My mum and I had to wait until 2:00 pm so all the other events could finish before the finals started. I was against 15 other talented divers in the finals. I tried my best on my first dive however, I wasn't completely happy with it, and I didn't get a very high score. However, I tried even harder in my other two dives and performed exceptionally well. With the high scores of my other two dives, I managed to catch up in the end, and I came 3rd place. The state competition was very close because I was only 1 point behind the 2nd place and 4th place was one point behind me. Overall, I had lots of fun and I'm very proud of myself.  

Lara W

Division & Region Tennis

Monash Waverley Division 

On the 29th April I attended the division tennis tournament, played at Notting Hill Tennis Club. It was a cloudy and windy day with a little bit of rain that made the hard courts quite slippery. It was a tough match in the semi-finals as I played a very talented left-handed girl from PLC. I lost 1-4, I finished in the top 4 but only the top 2 get to regional. I would like to thank my Mum and Ms Hocking for their support and time.  

Claire C


Last Monday I competed at the division tennis tournament at Notting Hill Club. I finished in top spot of my group winning my first three matches. I then won my quarter-final but that meant I unfortunately had to play my brother in the semi-finals and lost. A big thank you to Ms Hocking for organising this event and well done to all the tennis players who participated.   

Marcus O


Eastern Metropolitan Region 

I made it to regionals. I was really proud of myself for making it to the semi-finals. I would like to thank my parents, Ms Hocking and Mr Perini for supporting me during my matches.

Lauren N


On Tuesday last week I competed in the Eastern Region tennis competition at North Ringwood Tennis Club. I managed to win all my matches including the final which meant I am through to the State finals on Friday 10th May. 

A big thank you to my parents, Ms Hocking and Mr Perini who supported me on the day. Also a big congratulations to my fellow Essex Heights tennis players who performed so well. 

I’m looking forward to competing in the State finals on Friday. 

Max O

All four students should be extremely proud of their efforts during their tennis matches. They displayed awesome talent, sportsmanship and determination! Essex Heights was the only school to have four players, which was outstanding. 

Congratulations to Claire, Marcus, Lauren and Max. 

Wishing Max good luck for the State championships on Friday 10 May! GO MAX!

Monique Hocking