Parents & Friends Club

Mother's Day Treat

What a delightful morning we had on Thursday for our Mother's Day Treat, providing a free coffee and breakfast treat to our Mums/Special Friends. 

Thank you to our volunteers who offered their time and help, and to Kristi Lloyd (Year 3/4 Coordinator and 3/4 Teacher) for taking photos. 

We hope you also enjoyed the opportunity to have a photo taken with your child/children. Following are some of the lovely photos taken by Kristi:

Mother's Day Raffle

Thanks to all those who purchased a ticket in our Mother's Day Raffle and contributed to our fundraising efforts. Congratulations to the following raffle winners: 

1st prize – Lydia Chiu (Endota Spa voucher) 

2nd prize – Pollyanna Goh (Mimco earrings) 

3rd prize – Pamela Mujica (Candle & chocolate) 

4th prize – Shannon Harley (Halo magnesium gift pack) 

5th prize – Tracey Lewis (Body Shop gift pack) 

6th prize – Shiri Krebs (Body Shop gift pack) 

Mother's Day Stall

We've had a successful day today, with all classes visiting the Mother's Day Stall in the Hall. 

What a fantastic turnout too from all the parent volunteers today to support this annual event. Our mum’s and significant others are going to wake up feeling very loved this Mothering Sunday. It's always an amazing experience for all the students and they embrace it with such joy. 

We will advise the amount raised in the next issue of Contact.

Secondhand Uniform & Lost Property

Thanks for the great support for our Term 2 Secondhand Uniform Stall on Wednesday 1 May. Your donations of good quality uniform for someone else to use and to sell to raise funds for our school are greatly apreciated. A special thank you to the following volunteers  who were the most amazing bunch of helpers and worked so hard:  Alison Patchett, Bixia Le and Elima Pozenel. 

We raised $1,165 for our school.


Donations of good quality, clean, current EHPS logo uniform that you no longer require, will be gratefully received on the second donation day for this term on Wednesday 5 June from 3pm to 3.30pm. Please remember to remove or cross out your child's name before donating. 


This week, the Sustainability Captains undertook the task of identifying and returning unclaimed named uniforms to students. A huge thank you to Yogini Patel and the Sustainability Captains Malmika B, Luna H, Hannah K & Olivia M , for their efforts and assistance.

However, there continues to be a large number of unclaimed uniforms and other lost items in the Lost Property boxes. These are the four large grey, square lidded boxes located at the Eucalyptus, Banksia and Violet buildings and the Stadium foyer. Lost lunchboxes and water bottles are placed on the windowsill of Library Conference Room (near the Eucalyptus lost property box).

Please ensure students names are labelled legibly so that students can take responsibility to identify and search for their own lost uniforms and items. Parents/Guardians are also encouraged to check through the four Lost Property Boxes for lost items and may do so before 8.50am and after 3.30pm on school days.

Unclaimed, unnamed items of clothing in the Lost Property boxes may be offered for sale for fund raising. 

Niki Ngo & Siew Ling

Secondhand Uniforms Coordinators

Flip Out Box Hill

The PFC has partnered with Flip Out Box Hill to host an after school FUNdraising event on Friday 14 June for a two-hour session at $33 per person (all ages).


Flip Out Box Hill is the place to be for active indoor fun, including trampolining, parkour arena, ninja course, and rock climbing. Flip Out is located at T2/249 Middleborough Road, Box Hill South.


There are two sessions:

  • Session 1 from 4.30pm to 6.30pm
  • Session 2 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm 

Prices are for all ages to participate, including adults. Spectators are admitted for free. Siblings and family members are welcome, even if they don’t attend EHPS.

Pre-payment of the full ticket price is required to secure your booking by Thursday 6 June (or until sold out). BE QUICK, as we have limited places available.

50% of the ticket price will be donated back to the school. Sorry, no refunds possible.

You will be required to sign a waiver prior to entering the venue. We strongly recommend you sign this prior to turning up to the venue to save time and queues. Please click this link to complete

There will be a café open for you to purchase drinks and snacks. 

Grip socks are required, bring your own or available for purchase at the venue.


Ritchie’s IGA Loyalty Program

Our school is part of the Ritchies Community Benefit Program (RCBP). EHPS received $16.68 from the RCBP in April.

If you shop at a Ritchies IGA (the local store is in Mount Waverley) and are a member of their loyalty program, please support EHPS by choosing our school as your nominated beneficiary. Each month we receive 0.5% of purchases made by customers who have selected our school each month. Please encourage family and friends who also shop at IGA to 

support EHPS.

Contact the PFC

Contact the PFC by email -