Countries of ENPS

Wow! We really finished off our Term One with a bang!


A brand new event called ‘Countries of ENPS’ was a day where all students were combined across the school forming 28 groups of students ranging from Foundation to Year Six.


Each classroom was transformed into a different country. We had such a wide range of countries on offer to learn about, thanks to some wonderful family members within our community. We had New Zealand, Italy, China, Turkey, Iran, Germany and so many more!


The family members put together a lesson plan with a designated classroom teacher and together, presented an informative and engaging lesson about their country, with a fun activity to go along with the information.


Students travelled around the ‘world’ and visited three different countries each. Their captain spoke over the speaker system, welcoming our students on board ENPS Airlines and cabin crew throughout the day would advise the groups when their next ‘flight’ was leaving. Students carried a passport with them which was stamped when arriving at a new destination. They drew the flag of their new country and wrote down one fact that they had learnt during the session.


There was lots of energy throughout the day and some wonderful conversations afterwards about how students had been on a holiday and travelled to certain countries, followed by sharing what they had made or learnt during their day of travel.


This event would not have happened without the tremendous support of our parent community. It was so very special and we are incredibly grateful for your time, energy and efforts to make the day such a wonderful success! 


The ENPS Community Engagement Team