Our Amazing Bodies

Here on the Amazing Bodies page, our School Nurse Kiera Heasly shares an amazing fact about the human body.

Did You Know?

On average, you blink your eyes around 14 - 20 times per minute. That's over 1,000 times an hour! Blinking is mostly an autonomic (involuntary) reflex which helps keep your eyes moist and protected.


Not-so-fun FACT: You blink less when looking at screens! It's true! Researchers have found that blinking slows down during screentime use to less than 10 blinks per minute.


Now, you might be wondering, why does this matter? 


Well, when we don't blink enough, it can make our eyes feel tired, strained, and even cause them to get dry. Researchers found that kids who spend more time on smart devices are more likely to have dry eyes compared to those who don't use them as much.


Imagine this: You've been scrolling through your phone for a while, and suddenly your eyes start feeling a bit uncomfortable. They might feel tired, like they need a break, or you might even start feeling sleepy. These are all signs of eyestrain, and they can happen after spending too much time on your devices. 


So, if you notice these symptoms, it's a good idea to take a break, give your eyes a rest, and maybe do something else for a while. By doing so, you can help reduce eye strain, fatigue, and keep your eyes feeling happy and healthy. Your eyes will thank you for it! 📱😴



Al-Mohtaseb, Z., Schachter, S., Shen Lee, B., Garlich, J., & Trattler, W. (2021). The Relationship Between Dry Eye Disease and Digital Screen Use. Clinical Ophthalmology, 15, 3811–3820. https://doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S321591

Golebiowski, B., Long, J., Harrison, K., Lee, A., Chidi-Egboka, N., & Asper, L. (2020). Smartphone Use and Effects on Tear Film, Blinking and Binocular Vision. Current Eye Research, 45(4), 428–434. https://doi.org/10.1080/02713683.2019.1663542

Chidi-Egboka, N.C., Jalbert, I. & Golebiowski, B. Smartphone gaming induces dry eye symptoms and reduces blinking in school-aged children. Eye 37, 1342–1349 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41433-022-02122-2



Kiera Heasly

ENPS School Nurse

Kiera Heasly, School Nurse
Kiera Heasly, School Nurse