

It’s been so good seeing you all the past two weeks. Pan Lao Shi and Wang Lao Shi have loved having your enthusiastic personalities back in Mandarin Class.


Students in Foundation have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun a new central idea of ‘Senses help us explore the world’, where we have begun learning new vocabulary about our bodies and senses in songs.

Students in Year One have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun their new central idea ‘Weather affects our choices and actions’, learning about days of the week and months by using Chinese numbers 1-10. We can’t wait to see you develop your language skills further with writing, reading and speaking.


Students in Year Two have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun their new central idea ‘Water is a finite resource shared by global communities’, learning about the character for water and how it’s developed from ancient China to its current form 水. 


Students in Year Three have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students set up their Chinese keyboards and then practised their typing skills using their word study words from Term One. This week students will begin to explore their new central idea ‘Natural forces and human activity change the Earth’s physical features’, where they will learn about nature based Chinese characters.


Students in Year Four have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students set up their Chinese keyboards and then practised their typing skills using their word study words from Term One. This week students will begin to explore their new central idea ‘Exploration has impacted indigenous culture’, where students will be looking into vocabulary related to famous Chinese landmarks.


Students in Year Five have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students set up their Chinese keyboards and then practised their typing skills using their word study words from Term One. This week students will begin to explore their new central idea ‘Significant events shape nations’, where they will begin to explore different country names and flags.


Students in Year Six have continued exploring new words in their word study and have begun practising their typing skills in Chinese using Pinyin. Students set up their Chinese keyboards and then practised their typing skills using their word study words from Term One. This week students will begin to explore their new central idea ‘Consumerism is an expression of self and our demographic’, where they will begin to create a mock trip to China plan.



王老师 和 潘老师


Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi) and Pamela Pan (Pan Lao Shi)

Mandarin Teachers

Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher
Morgan King (Wang Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher








Pamela Pan (Pan Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher
Pamela Pan (Pan Lao Shi), Mandarin Teacher