VIP Mother's Day Morning

Friday 10th May, 8:55am - 9:30am

Over the past years at ENPS, the way we recognise and acknowledge the special people in our lives has shifted somewhat from what used to be. As a school community that values and respects diversity and inclusion, together we have become more mindful and open minded. This is something we are very proud of as a school and community. 


While days like Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are still very much celebrated, we do so at ENPS with open minds and open hearts. Rather than focusing on the commercial aspect of these days, we use these times of the year to recognise, acknowledge and thank the very special people on our lives, and lives of our students. 


Families can and do look very different from each other. Families are what we make them. All families in our ENPS community are cherished; what ever they look like. 


With Mother’s Day approaching, we open our hearts and minds to all mothers, mother figures, grandmothers, aunts, friends and special people that play a significant role in the lives of our students at ENPS. We welcome all to our ENPS VIP Mother's Day morning and wish everyone who plays a role in the lives of our students a wonderful morning with us.