Chaplain's Corner

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” - William Arthur Ward
The disciples often refer to Jesus as the teacher (rabbi) - with good reason. They were thirsty to learn and grow in faith and in following The Way of Jesus. This Way of Jesus was profoundly counter-cultural, he would constantly include the excluded, sit amongst those on the margins and turn things on their head. We can easily lose sight of how provocative and radical Jesus was in including the out-sider, the gentile, the women, the sick, the unworthy. In this post Easter period we are reminded that when things get difficult and grief clouds our ability to see a way forward – that faith is the way forward. Belief that the spirit will come to us, comfort us and guide us into the future are an essential part of what it is to be Christian.
May the Holy Spirit of God breathe on us all, bringing peace and hope to the world.
Food For Families – All Year Round
Food For Families collects non-perishable food items like canned soup, packets of pasta and baked beans, as well as household essential items including personal hygiene and cleaning products to support those who need it most.
Food For Families is a great way to get together and offer practical support to those who have fallen on trying times. Food, gifts and household essentials are distributed through a Broadmeadows emergency relief program, family services and outreach centre. Families can select food from a food pantry when times get tough and bills stack up.
What to do?
Simply pickup a few extra items when you are shopping and place them in the provided boxes in the CPA foyer.
Mario Kart Competition
Monthly Family Worship
I welcome any enquiries about Baptism/Confirmation.
Rev. Gavin Blakemore.