Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
New Student Wardrobe Items
The new student scarf and beanie are now available from schooltrenz. These items were the initiative of student leaders who contributed to their design. Initial stock of the new Aitken rain jacket has arrived at Schooltrenz and recent orders are being filled; more stock is on the way, please enquire at Schooltrenz.
Smoking and Vaping on or near school sites
We would like to remind all parents about the laws covering smoking and vaping on or near any school site in Victoria.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted on school premises and within 4 metres of school entrances. This also applies to school events held off school premises and excursions. Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside vehicles on school premises and in fact a person must not smoke or vape in a motor vehicle if a person under 18 years is also present in the motor vehicle.
Please note that anyone observed breaking these laws may be reported to the police.
Parenting advice
Independent Schools Victoria hosts a website called The Parents Website, containing regular articles of interest to all parents. You can also subscribe to the site for regular email updates. Current articles on the site include Bullying, healthy breakfasts and how to talk to children about distressing news events.