Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
Welcome back to Term Two. Events that occurred in the past few weeks include Musical camp where students with the support of staff rehearsed the 'Little Mermaid', developing their skills and a camaraderie which augurs well when performance time comes around. The House Athletics Sports builds students' teamwork and competitiveness and displays the health benefits of participating in sport. A range of curriculum activities are progressing including sustainability and STEM activities. Some of the student leaders are making positive contributions through the School and College Councils, the First Nations committee, Wellbeing Team, Assemblies and Community Service.
Professional Learning
At the beginning of term the staff had a professional learning day with a focus on wellbeing, further developing skills in the use of AIMS, spreadsheets, developing an understanding of AI in education and completed learning modules. The staff are also demonstrating the importance of life-long learning.
Student feedback
All students will have received feedback on their progress so far in AIMS. Parent teacher interviews were also an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers and have a quick discussion on areas progressing well and areas for improvement.
Senior secondary students they will be preparing for exams and where relevant the GAT. NAPLAN results for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will be distributed through homerooms.
ANZAC Service
Our ANZAC service again demonstrated to students the importance of a respectful understanding of the sacrifices made in war and conflicts so that we enjoy the freedoms of a true Australian democracy.
Prep - Year 2 building
The building is showing progress with concrete pours beginning for footings and the sub floor to the building. The students benefit from seeing the complexities of construction and the preliminary works needed to get a building out of the ground.