Hello everyone and welcome back to Term 2! Before we start with Term 2 we would love to highlight some of the great things the childen got up to during the school holidays at Kelly Club. Our children were involved in themes such as ‘Human board games’, ‘Rainforest adventure’, ‘Soccer skills’ and ‘Easter’. Our excursions included going to Timezone and Super Park, and our incursions included a Harry Potter potion class and African drumming. The children were awesome these holidays and loved getting involved with all our activities.
This term we are very excited to kick things off with some more fun and awesome activities and themes. Our themes for week one and two were about ‘Safety’ and ‘ANZAC day’. The children were involved in learning how to play rugby, making traffic light biscuits and Anzac apple crumble, arts and crafts, puzzles and more. In the next few weeks our themes will be ‘Kids Pick’ and ‘Mother’s Day’.
Email: aitken@kellycluboshc.com.au
Venue Phone: 0467 772 667