
New Signing Puppets

Every 3-4 weeks, students seated at their designated tables will have the opportunity to communicate with one another using signing puppets. We’re excited to announce that two new puppets have recently joined our collection. Our students are learning to sign some Anzac words.

Gain some insights on the Auslan teacher: How I Dropped the Hearing Bomb

Some deaf people sport stylish hearing aids or cochlear implants while many opt for sign language without any assistive devices. Personally, I’ve got a soft spot for my trusty behind-the-ear device. I was a quiet, smiling baby and hardly cried. The times that I was not quiet was when I had fun banging saucepans and lids together in the kitchen according to mum. Now looking back, it was the vibrations to make up for the lack of sounds.  It wasn’t until I was two years old, on a swing facing a fence swinging nonstop while dinner was being called out. Mum, the detective, caught on and knew something wasn’t ‘quite right’ when I finally turned around and jumped with fright at her presence. Immediately, she took me to the GP and that was the day I was diagnosed as profoundly deaf. 


I went to the audiologists for hearing tests where you press the button for any beeps you hear and then repeat the process. They figured out my hearing range and that’s how I became the proud owner of non-surgical, behind-the-ear hearing aids. Fast forward to home, mum turned on the toy train that played music in the backyard and this was startling for me. My first exposure and curiosity into the world of sound.