Physical Education News

House Cross Country

Congratulations to all the Year 3-6’s that competed in our House Cross Country on Friday April 19.

Well done to those students that finished in the Top 10 and have qualified for our School Team that will compete at the District Cross Country on Friday May 10.

Congratulations to Waverley (Blue House) who won the overall point score.

Thanks to all the parents, staff and Avila students that assisted on the day.


Running Club

Staff, parents, siblings and students are invited to join Holy Family School’s Running Club, every Friday at 8am on our school running track. Please enter via the gate by the hall. Beginning Friday May 3.


Winter  Sport

If any parents can assist with umpiring/coaching Afl, Softball or Netball please email me on


Term 2 dates

May 3  Round 1 Winter Sport (yr 5/6) 9-11am

May 10  District Cross Country (selected students)

May 17  Round 2 Winter Sport (yr 5/6) 9-11am

May 29  Division Cross Country

May 31  Round 3 Winter Sport (yr5/6) 9-11am

June 13  EMR Cross Country

June 13 Winter Sport Gala Day (Yr 5/6) 10am-2pm (note change of date)