Wellbeing News
Bullying Surveys
In the last week of Term 1, all present students completed our termly school bullying survey. The children are asked to answer the following three statements-
I have been bullied by someone at Holy Family this term- yes/no
I have seen someone be bullied this term- yes/no
I have seen a student show kindness to someone in need this term- yes/no
From the initial survey results, I interviewed all students who answered yes to the first two statements to determine the extent of the bullying.
Some of the incidents have involved-
-name calling, teasing
-laughing at others
-taking equipment from others
-deliberate annoyance
-some physical hurt e.g hitting
Some of the reported incidents were a 'one off' incident which is not classified as bullying, but those that were repeated behaviours by certain children are being followed up by myself and the classroom teachers. It was great to hear that all students were able to use a strategy they knew to remove themself from the situation.
Overall data from these interviews have determined that 5% of our students experienced bullying, either directly or saw a form of bullying toward another student.
We continually strive to teach our students about how to interact positively with others, and strategies that can be used if they experience ay difficulties when interacting with others.
On a positive note, 90% of our students have witnessed someone showing kindness to another student last term.
We continue to direct our Year 3-6 students to use our online Student Bullying Report link to report any incidents of Bullying that occur, and for our Prep-2 students to report any incidents to their classroom teacher or myself.
Wellbeing Hour
Our Wellbeing Hour continues on a Friday this term, and for the next few weeks we continue to focus on the following area-
Self Awareness
- to develop a healthy sense of who you are, and better understand your thoughts and feelings
The resources from The Resilience Project and Respectful Relationships are being used to develop and understand what Self Awareness is for each and every student. Specifically each year level will focus on the following from the Personal and Social Capabilities strand of the Victorian Curriculum.
Develop a vocabulary and practise the expression of emotions to describe how they feel in different familiar situations
Identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, abilities and strengths
Year 1 & 2-
Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions
Identify personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school or family life
Year 3 & 4-
Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others
Identify personal strengths and select personal qualities that could be further developed
Year 5 & 6-
Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour
Reflect on how personal strengths have assisted in achieving success at home, at school or in the community.
Walk to School Day- Friday 10th May
I am currently working with the Wellbeing Leaders to plan for walk to School Day. Watch out for Audiri notifications with updates closer to the event.
Eithne King
Wellbeing Leader