Grade 4 News

Important Reminders/Dates
- Homework - The same expectations from Term 1 will continue for the rest of the year.
Weekly Timetable for Term 2
Thursday, May 9th: Mothers Day Stall
Monday, May 13th: Middle School Hooptime
Wednesday, May 15th: Performing Arts Incursion
Monday, June 10th: Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Tuesday, June 25th: Celebration Morning
Friday, June 28th: Last Day Term 2 - 2.30pm finish
Wise Words
#2 What is Empathy?
Talk to your children about the difference between empathy and kindness. Kindness can be defined as the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate and while kindness is an important part of being a good person, empathy takes it a step further. Empathy is the ability to be aware of how others might be feeling and to be able to imagine what it might be like to be in their position (or in their shoes). Empathy is a key ingredient in positive friendships and relationships and can help to reduce conflict and misunderstandings.
Learning In Action
This fortnight our students have enjoyed delving into non-fiction texts in both reading and writing. Students have developed their note taking skills, ensuring they are quick and helpful. They have also enhanced their vocabulary by identifying subject synonyms and transitional words or phrases. This has not only helped them track the authors ideas, but also to keep readers engaged when writing their own informative pieces.
Additionally, the Grade 4’s have continued their work on sentence level grammar, looking at independent and dependent clauses as well as coordinating conjunctions.
Preview - Next week our students will be applying their learning by researching and constructing their own information report.
Word Work : Here is the rule we have been working on and some words you can practise reading and spelling at home!
This fortnight in Maths we have learnt about many different strategies to help us solve addition problems. We learnt to use the jump and split strategy, friendly numbers strategy and vertical addition with/without regrouping. Some of the Grade 4 students also learnt how to balance equations - see if you can solve the equation (below) that these students challenged themselves with.
We also continued our graphing work, collecting the temperatures of each month of the year in a country of our choice or counting particular letters in a page of a book. We then graphed the data we had gathered and made observations about the data. You can see some examples below of what our students collected.
Preview - Students will begin looking at subtraction strategies and the relationship between addition and subtraction, along with finalising our graphing unit.
This fortnight in Inquiry we have reviewed students' knowledge of Australia. They filled in a blank map of Australia with all the states, territories and capital cities. Students worked in small groups to research different states and territories and recorded and shared their findings. This included researching landmarks, animals, population and more!
Preview - Students will begin learning about Africa and South America, choosing one country in these continents to research.
This fortnight in Wellbeing students have explored the topic of problem solving. They spoke about what factors contribute to a positive relationship and developed a range of strategies to use in working to solve problems. This linked perfectly with our work around Friendology and dealing with ‘tricky situations’, such as birthday parties, feeling caught in the middle, following/copying and more.
Preview - We will be finishing our last Friendology topic ‘Kind & Strong’ and revising key concepts.
At Lysterfield Primary School, we promote high expectations for all our students, and want to encourage our students to challenge themselves and tackle new and interesting opportunities. In light of this, we are encouraging interested students in Grades 3-6 to participate in the Australian Mathematics Competition this year.
The Australian Mathematics Competition, run by the Australian Maths Trust, is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students. It is made up of 30 unique problems designed to challenge and extend students’ problem solving skills.
Students have 60 minutes to complete the competition which will occur at school sometime between Tuesday 6th - 8th August (exact date and time TBC).
Every student who participates will receive recognition and an award at their level of achievement. The levels are:
- Participation
- Proficiency
- Credit
- Distinction
- High Distinction
The competition will cost $8.50 per student.
For more information about the competition, watch this video from AMT, check out their website, or contact Zahra Harvey (
If you are interested in your child participating in the Australian Mathematics Competition this year, please add their names to the form below by Friday 31st May:
Australian Mathematics Competition Expression of Interest