Prep News

Important Reminders!
All important dates and events are on our Compass Calendar, please check the calendar regularly to stay up to date!
- Library books are now DUE on a TUESDAY. This will assist in the returns process.
- Please continue to use your child's ‘School Tools’ daily to practise their individual goal.
- Students are required to bring their take-home bags to school daily.
- PMP: Every Tuesday, prep students have PMP. On this day, we ask for the girls not to wear tights as it is not safe to participate in these. It would also be great if you could get your child to practise taking off and putting on their socks and shoes so they can do this independently and efficiently.
- Prep Mother’s Day Morning will be on Friday 10th of May: if you (Mum) are unable to attend Nannas, Aunt’s any special person in your child’s life is welcome.
Learning in Action
Literacy: Students were introduced to the ‘continuous blending strategy’, which means to elongate the sounds and blend them together as you read the letters e.g. ssssaaaaat (sat). Students learnt about vowels and consonants and applied their knowledge to learn the closed syllable decoding rule. They also had a go at reading a simple text with a partner. Students have continued to explore non-fiction texts with a focus on learning information from the pictures and reciting facts. As a class, we wrote informative paragraphs and followed the writing process ‘talk, draw and label’ about different topics.
Preview - Students will continue consolidating their strategies and working on their individual reading goals. In writing, students will begin to write a simple dictated sentence.
Maths: Over the past fortnight, students have learnt about the number 10, making ten towers and counting by tens. Students have enjoyed learning about our new location and transformation unit, where they have learnt about location words and used them to describe a teddy bear’s position. Students have also worked collaboratively to give and follow directions with a partner.
We have started our Maths Masters program and students are accepting the challenge to practise their individual goal.
Preview- Next fortnight students will continue learning about groups of 10 and practise counting by 10s. Students will also be introduced to the concept of Addition and that it means to put two numbers together.
Inquiry:Students are exploring local communities. As a class we are collaborating to brainstorm places in our community, such as: doctors, grocery shops, libraries etc. Using this knowledge, students are applying their creativity to construct a large whole class mural using collage and paper.
Preview - Students will continue to expand a whole class community mural by adding natural components.
Wellbeing:We're excited to continue our Friendology Program. We have already learnt the importance of being our own BFF and taking Care of ourselves. This week we are learning about our ‘True Colours’ and naming our colourful feelings and emotions. With a special focus on embracing our positive and negative feelings.
Preview- Next fortnight we will learn about making new friends and how to ask a friend to play.
Curious Corner
We're thrilled to announce the Term 2 redesign of Curious Corner is complete! This term, we're diving into the heart of our community for inspiration. Students have enjoyed the opportunity to engage in our new space and have focused on collaborative play with attention to sharing, taking turns and including others.
We have started our PMP program and the students are loving the various activities which help develop a range of fundamental movement skills, including locomotor and non-locomotor skills, such as crawling, balancing and hopping.
Responsible Pet Ownership
We enjoyed participating in the Responsible Pet Ownership program and meeting new friends.
Student Awards
We would like to congratulate the following award winners on their achievements
Please note, you will be notified before your child receives their first award.
Prep B
Noah T
Riley S
Prep R
Stella W
Prep S
VALUES Award-Resilience
Ethan Bailey
Class Timetables
Meet The Teacher
Name: Mr T 🙂
Things I like: Playing silly games with my kids, watching and playing different sports, enjoying time with friends.
In my spare time: I enjoy spending time with my family and going on adventures
Favourite Colour: Green
Pets: An Australian Bulldog named Indi, she's 14 years old
We would like to wish the following students a very Happy Birthday!
Prep B
Prep R
Prep S
Cayden 9th May
Leo 17th May
Isabella 29th May
Danielle Sandeman, Amanda Remington and Jess Bouloukis
Prep Teachers