Wellbeing Update
Our Wellbeing program has kicked off with Play Leaders and the Pivot Wellbeing Survey platform, all features of this term.
Play Leaders
At the start of the term our leaders began by reflecting on the successes and failures of Term 1 and looked at how we can keep improving as leaders.
This time, our leaders also have the added challenge of planning and running sessions which will include and cater for the needs of our Foundation students.
Here is some of the action from the first session, where we had record numbers of Foundation-Year 2 students in attendance. With many students taking part for the first time, our leaders did an outstanding of job of planning activities which would be easy to explain and to demonstrate. There even were many occasions where they had to adapt and change their plans.
Quotes from our leaders:
‘We tried to play games that didn’t require too much explanation for the Foundies.’ (Chloe 5/6A)
‘Something that was challenging today was trying to make sure everyone was listening.’ (Tomi 5/6G)
‘It was really good. I enjoyed seeing my buddy come and they were very energetic and excited. Also, if they were sad, they cheered up quickly.’ (Lily 5/6L)
Quotes from our F-2 students:
‘My favourite game was Freeze-Tag because I liked saving people, especially if they’re my friends.’ (Becky 1/2J)
‘I liked Duck-Duck-Goose the best because I caught Mel and I’m faster than her! (Alfie FJ)
Pivot Wellbeing Surveys
Last week, teachers spent the Curriculum Day digging down into the data collected from the baseline surveys which the students completed in Term 1.
Each team has now decided upon an area (or domain) to track throughout the first 5-week survey cycle, which begins next week. They have also designed a sequence of lessons and Circle Time sessions which aim to support the students within this focus area.
In F-2, the survey questions come from 4 areas/domains: Family, Schoolwork, Friendship and Wellbeing.
In 3-6, the survey questions come from 3 domains: Safety, Belonging and Resilience.
As we begin to delve further into this work, we will share more information through the Newsletter, including ideas for how to best support students at home.
For more information, see: https://www.pivotpl.com/