Year 5 Update

5A-Ms Hughes
5B-Ms Stillitano
5C-Ms Webster
5D-Ms Borham
5E-Ms Ziino
5A-Ms Hughes
5B-Ms Stillitano
5C-Ms Webster
5D-Ms Borham
5E-Ms Ziino

Upcoming Learning for Term 4, Weeks 3&4

  • Reading - We are reading Wonder and participating in literacy circles, taking on roles such as critic, vocabulary enricher, summariser, discussion director, illustrator/visualiser, and connector.
  • Writing- To write a persuasive text, following the Writing process from planning to publishing.
  • Maths- To explore volume, mass, and capacity and understand how to measure, compare, and convert units of measurement. 
  • Inquiry- To understand Geography and compare countries to Australia while discovering fascinating facts about their own chosen country.
  • Social and Emotional Learning- To understand gender diversity, human rights, and help-seeking strategies to promote inclusivity and support for all individuals.

Upcoming Events

Monday 4th November- Regular classes are notrunning, class teachers unavailable.Staff will be completing their Professional Practice Day. There will be some supervision provided as required. CANTEEN CLOSED. 

5th November Melbourne Cup Public Holiday (no school) 

27th November Curriculum Day (no school) 

It's Okay not to be Okay Workshop

Hillsmeade Heroes


Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:

5A- Ethan, Mila, Justine & Summer 

5B- Mohammad & Tyler

5C- Ava. H & Kai. P

5D- Maryam & Omar

5E- Riley & Aman




Hats are now compulsory. Please check if your child has their named hat at school. Students without hats are required to stay in an undercover area for sun protection.


Math - Students should work on their MyNumeracy goals as part of their regular homework routine.

Reading - Students are expected to read every night, with their progress tracked in their diaries or homework books.

Inquiry - Students are working on a "Travel the Globe" project, where they will complete weekly tasks focused on their chosen country, with only their summaries required for submission.