Primary Year 3-6

Dear Families
We have had a wonderful and jam packed start to term 4. Thank you for your support of our uniform policy . Year 3-6 students are showing leadership and pride in their uniform by wearing it correctly as well as remembering to wear their hats. What a great start to the term!
Years 3 and 4 both have excursions to look forward to next week and the Years 5 and 6 have been welcoming different leaders from our community to speak to the children. There will be a report on the Leadership program in the next Marian.
The Backflips Against Bullying workshop last Friday was fabulous !! It was a high energy, interactive workshop that focused on empowering students to hold each other accountable for their behaviour, show how there is no place for bullying behaviour and provide strategies to teach resilience The acrobatic skills of the facilitators added to the message being delivered. Our Primary Captains, Kai R and Macey S thanked the presenters on behalf of St Mary’s and once again showed what wonderful leaders they have been all year.
Sacrament of Eucharist
We will be celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist on Sunday with students from years 4 and 5. Yesterday, we held our Sharing Day, where the children spend the whole day preparing for the big occasion on Sunday. Children who are making their First eucharist are so well supported by their classmates and by the other students and staff. The children have been overwhelmed really by the support from other classes- receiving cards, video messages and visits from staff members to wish them well.
Special shout outs to: Mrs Gough - thank you so much for all your help, organisation and support of the Eucharist candidates. We couldn't do it without you ! Thank you to Mrs Hard who came and helped us make the bread this morning and to Chloe Locke who ensured the day ran so smoothly. The VM students for running a special sausage sizzle for all Year 4 students at recess. Thank you to our wonderful St Mary’s community . We are sure the children will have a very special day on Sunday. All families are welcome to come to the Mass at 10.00am.
Fighting Extinction School
Year 6 have been presented with a certificate and the honour of being a Fighting Extinction School by Melbourne Zoo for participating in Zoo Victoria's Fighting Extinction Program!
Yr 6 are honoured to have taken part in such a worthwhile program and have loved educating each other about how to look after our cherished native animals.
First Aid
Our Years 3-6 have been busy this week learning vital First Aid skills from the wonderful team at St Johns ambulance. They also learned about the emergency plus app which gives very accurate location information to the ambulance service (the app enables emergency services to locate a person within 3 meters by using the ‘what three words’ at the bottom of the app page when the operator asks for your location).
What vital information for us all to have.
Angles City!
This week Year 6 have been applying their angles skills in a fun and artistic way! As project managers of their own cities, they have had to create a city which meets strict requirements including complementary angles, vertically opposite angles and more! Here are just a few for you to enjoy!
Congratulations to Raff Clydesdale who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation last week, supported by his family and classmates.
It has been a fabulous start to the term. We are looking forward to many more wonderful learning experiences and opportunities in the coming weeks.
Have a great week ahead.
Kind regards
Catherine Evans