2025 Assessment Week, Headstart and Booklist information
Hello Everyone,
It’s hard to believe, but we are already at the end of our first year of VCE and very quickly moving towards our end of year assessment and HeadStart programs, which begin in November.
Families of students who will be completing Year 11 and 12 in 2025 will soon be receiving information regarding the Assessment period, VCE booklists and HeadStart Program.
🔊 Assessment Week
VCE students will complete exams and assessments in Assessment Week, beginning Thursday 7th – Friday 15th November.
A letter outlining the schedule and expectations for all students in Year 11 will be sent home shortly. Please note, as in Semester One, classes for Year 11 VCE students will not run during this time and students will be able to leave following an assessment or remain at home to study if they do not have anything scheduled that day. VM classes will follow an alternate assessment schedule which will also be outlined in a letter home to parents.
🔊 HeadStart:
The HeadStart program allows students to move into their VCE subjects and begin the course content before finishing for the end of the year. It is an expectation that students will attend all timetabled classes, wearing the correct uniform and embrace all that is offered to them in the way of activities, curriculum and complete Holiday Homework.
Students should also use the time to ensure the subjects they have selected are those they want to continue studying next year. If any student wishes to make a change to their program or list of subjects, they are still able to do this until the end of the HeadStart program, but must put their request in writing and email myself (the VCE Co-ordinator) as soon as possible.
Students completing Year 12 programs in 2025 will have two weeks of HeadStart beginning Monday 18th November and all students, VCE and VM, are expected to attend. Any Year 11 students (2025) who are enrolled in Unit 3 courses are also expected to attend these classes over the two week period.
Students completing Year 11 programs in 2025 will have one week of HeadStart beginning Monday 25th November and again all students are expected to attend. This will follow the completion of their assessment week from Monday 18th November – Friday 22nd November.
The final day of classes for VCE students completing HeadStart will be Friday 29th November, 2024.
Please note: teachers will provide all resources during this period, so there is no rush to finalise booklist purchases before this time!
🔊 Booklists:
The booklist will come with a complete list of texts and subjects students will need to purchase before the start of school next year. Students will receive a hard copy of the list to take home, while parents will also receive a second, electronic version via email. Please note, families are free to purchase their stationery items anywhere, the list from Campion can simply be used to guide your purchases. However, it is vital that the textbooks listed are purchased prior to the beginning of Term One, 2025. Some current Year 11 texts may be able to be purchased second hand, while others need to be taken through to Year 12, so please check the list carefully before organising any second hand sales.
As of 2025, families will be responsible for the payment to Edrolo for their subscriptions. An accompanying letter from Edrolo, our online resource provider, will also be sent to families. This will outline how to access and pay for your child’s online resources, as required by subjects we are delivering next year. It is important to please note that Edrolo collects the payments from families (not the College) and also sets out the dates by which payments are required.
If you have any questions or concerns about this, please reach out to discuss these with either myself or members of the College leadership team at any time.
Year 11 students have specific subjects which require an Edrolo subscription, all of which are listed on the booklist. While in Year 12, all VCE subjects, except for Product Design and Technologies, require an individual subscription. No VM subjects require an Edrolo subscription.
Finally, I would like to thank our wonderful VCE teachers and support staff for all of their hard work and support in getting St Mary’s College back to the VCE.
It has been a long and at times, a seemingly impossible feat to write over 40 separate VCE courses in the past two years, while simultaneously managing full teaching loads and all the accompanying things that come with that, but we got there in the end!
The support from the entire school community, beginning at Leadership, through to our parents and the student body, has been incredible and we are now at the end of curriculum writing and at the beginning of a whole new chapter for our school!
It will be a very exciting 2025 for all of us, that is for sure!
Thanks again
Simone McLaughlin
VCE Co-ordinator