Office News

As per St Mary's College Policy, all student absences are to be recorded through PAM - Parent Access Module. If this has not been recorded by the parent/carer, as per the MACS Policy & Guidelines the following procedure will take place for unexplained student absence's:
Student Unexplained Absence SMS to parents:
- 9:15am -1st SMS will be sent (when your receive this text, please respond promptly)
-10:30am - 2nd SMS will be sent
-11:00am - Follow up calls will commence to parents to record the reason for students absence.
If all Parent's & Carer's could please enter the PARENT NOTIFIED ABSENCE for your child via your PAM account or the absentee phone line it would be much appreciated and will eliminate receiving the parent SMS and also help the Office avoid having to make a high number of unnecessary calls. We thank-you for your continued co-operation in this matter.