Sports Coordinator

Sports Coordinator Update – Welcome Back to Term 4!
Welcome back to another busy and exciting term of sport at the College. Term 4 brings our focus back to athletics and celebrates the success of our Round Robin teams over the past three terms as they progress to their next levels of competition.
Hume Regional Secondary Athletics
Term 3 kicked off with the Secondary Hume Regional Athletics in Albury, where we took 34 students. Every student showed incredible sportsmanship and effort, and we had many outstanding results, with several students earning medals. Special congratulations to Hunter Steiner (Javelin), Sophie Butterworth (200m), Josh Porter (800m), and Zahira Wilson (800m) for coming first in their events and qualifying for State! We’re all excited to watch the livestream of their State events on Monday, 21st October. Best of luck to our amazing athletes.
Primary Hume Regional Athletics
Looking ahead, the Primary Hume Regional Athletics took place today Friday 18th October, with a strong group of 22 students representing our college. Despite the less-than-ideal weather forecast, our students gave their best! First & second place getters will move on to the Primary State competition, which will be held on 6th November. We look forward to hearing about their fantastic efforts and results from the day.
Round Robin Regional Events
Our upcoming Round Robin Regional Events will see students competing in Table Tennis, Cricket, and other sports against schools from our region. Students will receive event details via PAM, and in some cases, parents/guardians may be asked to assist with transport if student numbers are low. Please stay informed by checking SIMON, emails, and PAM for updates.
Term 4 Volleyball Competition
In other exciting news, Daniel McLean (Year 11) has organised a Volleyball Competition for all Year 7-11 students. The competition takes place over two lunchtimes each week, and it has been a huge hit with the students, providing a fun and active way to spend time with friends. A big well done to Daniel and his team for their initiative and leadership in setting up this fantastic activity.
Clay Target Shooting Competition
Congratulations to Hendrik Becks (Year 9), Campbell Rohde (Year 9), Torrey Murphy (Year 7) and Nash Webster (Year 6) for representing the college at the Benalla Schools Clay Target Shooting competition. This was a unique opportunity for our students to participate in a school-based competition in a sport not commonly associated with schools. A huge thank you to Mrs Sally O’Connor for her expertise and support in preparing the students for this event.
Physical Activity and Fitness Year 9
Our Year 9 students have begun their Physical Activity and Fitness Unit, which involves visiting local fitness establishments to explore different ways of staying active. Many thanks to SSAC, Athletica, and BFT for hosting our students’ first sessions – they had a fantastic time and gained valuable insights into maintaining fitness in various ways.
Coaching and Qualitative Analysis – Year 10
Meanwhile, our Year 10 students have been working hard on their Coaching and Qualitative Analysis unit. They’re collaborating with our Grade 3 students, helping them develop fundamental movement skills with a focus on feedback, evaluation, and error correction. It’s been a great opportunity for our older students to work with the younger ones and support their learning.
Finally, if you have any community sporting achievements that you’d like to share, please feel free to pass them along – I’d love to celebrate these successes within our college community...
Courtney Aldous