Wellbeing Support

SMART GOALS stand for
S -specific
M- measurable
A -attainable
R – relevant
T – time-bound
SMART goals are an important step in achieving success and can be a great tool for teens in helping them reach their targets.
No matter how small or large the target, SMART goals can help you track your progress.
To create a SPECIFIC goal, teens can ask themselves who is involved, what exactly is to be achieved, what are the requirements to achieve and what are the possible barriers in the way.
To MEASURE progress towards a goal, it is important the goal is quantifiable, which means that we can track our progress and see how far away or close to the goal we are.
An ATTAINABLE goal is something that we can achieve. If the goal is too easy, we won’t feel motivated, but if the goal is out of reach, we can feel discouraged. Aim for a something with a little challenge.
Goals should be something that aligns with your values, and is important to you, therefore making it RELEVANT When something is important to us, we are more motivated to achieve it.
Putting a time limit on goals, helps to get it done. Without a deadline, things can get pushed out and we can procrastinate. TIME-BOUND goals give us a start and finish target.
SMART goals can help develop lifelong skills, and these skills will be beneficial in both personal and professional lives.
Remember there are always people and resources to help you achieve your goals, you don’t have to do this alone!
Casey 360 Bus is visiting our school!
Lunchtime - Tuesday September 10th (Cranbourne campus)
Casey 360 Bus is a mobile youth information centre for young people, which is staffed by two youth workers from the City of Casey.
Students can access information, support, games, technology, sports equipment and free internet access.
Everyone is welcome during lunchtime to pop in and check it out!