Cranbourne Campus News

Despite worse than expected storms Monday morning saw a fantastic collection of dads, uncles and grandparents to come and enjoy time with their young person for the Father's Day breakfast.
Full melodies included prayer and acknowledgement from our senior SRC members and some beautiful reflections from the father of Year 10 student Will Orchard, Tom, and two year seven SRC students Oakley and Merwin. In each of their reflections, it was obvious that there is great value in the modelling and the establishment of values that the significant men in the house can have on young people. At a time when much is spoken about toxic masculinity and the negative influence of domineering and dominating aggression, it was lovely to see the interaction between dads, uncles, grandparents, and their young people.
In chatting with many of them it was great that they also were able to interact with each other to enjoy a light breakfast, but more importantly to have enjoyed ‘time’ together.
This event appears to be getting bigger every year and we look forward to 2025 but more importantly, we look forward to the connections made being nurtured during the course of the year. The more connected you are to your child's schooling the more you will feel a part of it and they will know you are a part of it.
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus