Facilities News

Dr Denise Clarke Frances Hansen
Capital Works Manager Facilities Manager
Facilities News:
The new MEGA SWING has arrived in playground 6. All our students, whatever age, enjoy the feeling of a swing. The usual swings are 2.8 metres high and are not designed for older students who give these swings a vigorous workout. The new swings are 4.2 metres high and are being enjoyed by the secondary students.
During the holidays most of the outstanding issues from the Yaluk building were completed.
Jointly and their team have completed the planned maintenance program of their work. These works were mainly based around the admin build and included: restumping some classrooms and parts of the corridor, replacing the deteriorated wooden high windows with aluminium frames, reroofing parts of the main building, toilets and breezeway, ceilings were replaced in middle & secondary classrooms, roof and drainage were replaced on the remaining secondary portable. We are very pleased with the outcomes and parents will also be pleased with Jointly removing their site shed and compound in the Parents car park which has made more room for student drop-offs and pick-ups.