Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1
- Spencer- For showing great knowledge with letter sounds in english
- Christian- For communicating his needs to his Teachers
Room 2
- Ernie for using the school bus to travel home
- Musa for requesting the break room when he needs a break
Room 3
- Alex for sorting and sharing items in Maths. Great work!
- Mahira for using visuals to request. Great work!
Room 4
- Madeline has been showing great caring skills. What a star you are, Madeline! Keep up the great work, Madeline!
- Marshall has been trying his best when sounding out new words. What a star you are, Marshall! Keep up the great work, Marshall!
Room 5
- The Star of the Week for Room 5 goes to Isaac for settling into JSA well!
Room 6
- Ransher for following the JSA expected behaviours looking after himself by saying ‘help’ while requesting to open his lunch box during mealtimes.
- Erwon for listening to the teacher and following instructions.
Room 7
- Emjay started term four with so much confidence and impressed us all with his communication and willingness to learn. We are all so proud of you Emjay!
Room 8
- Saven, Lenny and Scarlett for being “bucket fillers” and showing kindness to everyone around them.
Room 9
- Aboudi for his increasing independence when transitioning to and from home and around the school environment
- Ivy for making excellent choices and her growing independennce with her work tasks and organisation of her work materials.