
Friday Community Mass

Thank you to PCG’s 10.7 & 10.8 who lead our Friday Community Mass. Both Pastoral Care Groups were very well represented at Mass as we celebrated the Feast Day of Saint John Chrysostom.


What was also wonderful to see was the large numbers of Year 12’s who attended Mass this morning, for some it is there last official day of school. For many of these boys they have been regular attendees at our Community Masses whether they be altar servers, special ministers of the Eucharist or in various capacities. Fra Oscar then encouraged the boys to conclude Mass with the College song ‘In Nomine Domini’. Despite the lack of any music the College hymn was sung in a very uplifting and moving manner. 

Christian Service


Our Year 9 Students continue to complete their Christian Service on a rotational basis on a Monday and Tuesday morning lead by Mr Kosovich & Mrs Stewart. Recently the Monday boys have been assisting the Breakfast Club at Embleton Primary School. On Tuesday’s one group of boys have provided great assistance at the likes of St Maria Goretti, Highgate Primary, Belmont Primary and Notre Dame. At Millen Primary the boys have assisted in many roles, more recently assisting the Year 1’s with Reading. 


While at Al-Hidayah the Trinity boys recently experienced a guest writer who’ fired’ marshmallows into an excited crowd of primary students before turning their attention to Spelling. At Bentley Primary with the Year 3’s the focus has been Reading and Spelling. The feedback the College receives about these fine young men and the help they provide in the classrooms is glowing. Keep living the mantra ‘Men for Others’ Year 9’s.