Across Campus

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This year the Year 7s have been participating in our “Readers’ Cup”.  At the Academy we value reading and aim to get the students excited about reading too.  Reading has many benefits for students, from inspiring the imagination to improving academic abilities.


 When students embrace the importance of reading, they can reach their full potential. The Readers’ Cup will be awarded to the Year 7 English class that reads the most pages. They have also been writing short Book Reviews via our Library Home Page accessed on Compass.  The Year 7s have been reading furiously over the past two terms and have amassed a total of 140,626 pages of literature so far.  Simply amazing!  The Reader’s Cup winner will be announced in early November.  


The MRC has sprung into “Spring” with lots of new books available for the upcoming holidays…



Enjoy!  Happy Reading 

Ms Cathy Bennett and Ms Anne Chowne 

McAuley Resources Co-Learning Leaders